The specification of One Plus 5T flagship smartphone as everything including images, specification leaked online before even its official announcement. The hardware of OnePlus 5T  is almost identical to that of the OnePlus 5, with the screen being the main difference. While the resolution is still 1080p, the aspect ratio is now 18:9 and the screen is larger. The official website says that the phone, OnePlus 5T to be launched on November 16, in India sale to start from November 21.

Queries Solved: 1) OnePlus 5T Images Leaked 
2) One Plus 5 T Full Mobile Specification before the launch event.
3) Dual Camera in OnePlus 5T 
4) 3.5mm headphone jack confirmed in OnePlus5T.
6) Launch Event 16th November 2017 & Open Sale: 21st November 2017
